*alarm blares*
You wake up with a jolt. You hurriedly reach for your phone, and as your searching eyes finally spot the little pinkish-orange camera, you breathe a sigh of relief.
Instagram is alive and well. It was just a nightmare. The little blue bird, the white ghost, the green phone, they’re here too. You’re even happy to see the forgotten blue square, the one that started it all.
It sends a shiver down your spine to even think of a world without social media. The fear you felt in your dream makes you wonder, “Is social media as important to everyone else as it is to me?”
Social media is like a morning cup of coffee, simply irreplaceable (except maybe by chai, that one’s got a special place in our heart). According to theglobalstatistics.com, as of 2021, 448 million Indians use social media. To be honest, it doesn’t seem surprising when you realise that India is the world’s first mobile country with 774 million Indians accessing the internet via their mobile phones. So to answer your question, yes, social media is just as important to others as it is to you.
It isn’t just another tech wonder, it’s a revolution that brought the whole world together. Not just Gen Z, who are undoubtedly on the top of the mountain (67% of them are on social media as per Sannam S4’s Digital and Social Media Landscape report), millennials and baby busters are just as much a part of it. The number of good morning messages on your family group everyday are proof enough, but hey, here’s some more. They make up 34% of social media users today.
Your 6 year old cousin uses TikTok to learn dances for his talent show, and his mom posts it to TikTok again. Your father finally gave into social media when his long lost Xth grade buddy sent him a friend request on Facebook. Pinterest is your sister’s one true love for recipes and home decor alike. Your grandparents are delighted when they can see you on a WhatsApp video call from 500 kms away. You and me? We’re content with Instagram -ing our OOTD and sending memes to our friends.
But is that all we do throughout the day? To say that’s all, is nothing short of slander, and since we have no interest in being cancelled, we’ll always follow through with the whole truth. That’s just the Newzera Way.
You may need to sit down for this. If you’re a boomer, we’d highly recommend it, we’re not liable for any blown minds.
The most popular reason for using social media in 2021 is…..….news. A report by We Are Social found that 36.5% of all social media usage is to stay up to date on current events. Now, you probably already guessed that but have you ever stopped to wonder, why? As always, we come bearing answers but to know them, you’ll have to wait just a bit. Till then, you know it….hit that clap button.
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