Once upon a time

3 min readJul 27, 2021


Photo by <a href=”https://unsplash.com/@simplelovelyuseful?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Catrin Johnson</a> on <a href=”https://unsplash.com/s/photos/yellow-umbrella?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

Kids (not literally), I am gonna tell you an incredible story. The story of how we met Newzera.

No, you’re not being punished. I can’t force you to read but I can assure you that it’s not going to last for 9 seasons and end up with a terrible plot twist. Though you might find fragments of it in a series of blogs.

But hey, free country!

Now, if you’ve read the first three blogs and are wondering how this could possibly be a beginning (especially after we had a specific blog literally talking about beginnings), then think of this story as an indulgence in reminiscences. And anyway, you already know there’ll be some good stuff ahead.
Though on a more humble note, we’re just so glad you read our previous posts; those who haven’t, what are you waiting for?

But coming back to our story, though it’s not as romantic, it certainly has a lot of love and passion involved in an absolute non-Mills and Boon way!

Now our company is high on Marvel universe references. But unlike Thanos, change is actually inevitable.

And it is also how our story started. No, not with Thanos. But with a change. Or to be more precise, with an intention to bring a change. It’s quite cathartic to witness a system falling. To be amidst chaos and know you don’t fit in. To abandon Pandemonium and find your way out of Inferno. That’s how revolutions are born, right?

One tiny spark of change consuming and spreading like wildfire, only not to destroy but to build a better world.

I’m sure each one of us can point out that one (or more) revolution that changed their world. From the struggle to be able to call our homeland our own to the basic right to wear what we want, we’ve learnt to break free from shackles.

Though one may argue that the word revolution does not hold the same gravitas anymore. We don’t agree, but just to clarify, bringing back bell-bottoms is NOT revolutionary!

But bringing in a product that can change the entire way online journalism is perceived today? Yes, that’s revolutionary! And that’s what Newzera is all about.

And no, unlike most of the other revolutions, we do not come with rhythmic marching or waving flags or sacrificial heroes. We come in with hearts full of passion and guts for glory. Newzera is people like you and me, who are not afraid to call a spade a spade. We are a generation that’s capable of reshaping technology, not to be bullied by it. We are the generation of unmatched potential when we put our minds to something. And yet we are a generation that’s trapped in the cobwebs of fake news and a ton of information that we cannot process.
You’ll have to admit, it’s time for a change. To steer in a revolution, the Newzera way!

P.s. And kids, that’s the story of how Newzera meets change. Yes, we’re still in our courtship period.

Do give us a shout out if you like the post. Spread the joy; share, comment and follow us for more. After all as we say, it’s crafted with love.




Written by Newzera

Newzera, is a love child of unflinching belief and vision of a better tomorrow. We’re here to create a world-class platform based on robo-journalism.

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